My name is Shaye and I'm a project in the works.
But then I guess we all are or should be. We never reach a place of total perfection
and there's always something to learn. Just when we think we "know it all", someone comes around pointing an accusatory finger at us, calls us a "Big Fat Know It All" and proceeds to prove just how stupid we really are.
Such is life.
For some folks being viewed as anything else but perfect shakes them to the core of who they are or I guess who they think they are. For me, I'm the first one to admit I don't know everything and when it comes to having flaws - I'm loaded with them.
I've made my share of mistakes, traveled more low roads that I'd like to admit and searched out the easy way when I should have grit my teeth and toughed it out.
And I have my labels - I'm divorced, a smoker, (of cigarettes), am 54 years old, I suffer from panic disorder, PTSD and have severe dyslexia.
Oh well, we all have something.
On the positive side of that page there's a lot of cool stuff about me and these are the projects in the works. For the most part I plan on using this blog to focus on the spiritual and creative aspects of me. The little windows that let in the Light and allow the shadows to escape.
I began blogging before blogging was invented.
Back then it was called "Online Journaling" and a lot of people thought I was really whacked to put my thoughts online instead of pouring them into a diary or one of the many pretty leather bound journals they'd given me for Christmas over the years.
It took awhile for the notion of "online journaling" to take off, but as soon as people started calling it a "Blog" I guess natural curiosity took effect, giving online journaling a new, more "hip" path.
Being on the computer is part of me, (who I am), and I highly doubt I'll ever walk away from my little box unless it's to go off and die somewhere. I'm not as attached to it these days as I have been in the past (and that's a very good thing). A woman can't live out her life in a box, (believe me, I tried). As much as my computer has served as a glorious vessel taking me to places I otherwise would have never experienced, I learned, (the hard way), it can't take the place of basking under a vibrant sun or drinking in the heady scent of the sea mixed with a rambunctious wind.
My life has been weighed down with heavy sorrow and yet lifted to the highest mountain on the wings of eagles. I have no agenda with this blog except to keep the work in progress, this never ending project of me.
Mercy and truth have met together,
Righteousness and peace have kissed.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
And righteousness shall look down from the heaven.
~Psalm 85:10-11
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